Monday, August 8, 2011

Guess That Thing!

I had thought at first I would write cleverly about how the political systems of Japan and the US – each completely dysfunctional in its own culture – might be profitably exchanged. You know... the Japanese system of incompetent and weak-willed idiots could go to the US Congress and the incompetent and strong-willed boneheads in the US Congress could go to Japan. Each group – out of its everyday culture and milieu – would be able to take advantage of cultural differences and bring about a speedy and brilliant success.
Alas, it is painful to realize that simply exchanging morons will not help matters at all. In fact, taking them away from the security of their own political and domestic culture would only increase the amount of drool the janitors would have to mop up.
SOOooooo.... instead, since one of my early blogs a year ago was a "Guess That Thing" quiz of Japanese items with English names, I thought now would be a good time to make another one, a sort of anniversary quiz. It might even elevate our minds a bit, away from thinking about politics!
All the items below have the names just as you see them here; they are written in Roman letters, not Japanese. I will provide the answers next week.

1. Freed
a. sugarless gum
b. car
c. flea & tick medicine for cats
d. dish washing liquid

2. Latte
a. canned coffee drink
b. body soap
c. skin cream
d. car

3. Hi-Soft
a. cigarettes
b. light bulb
c. condom
d. caramels

4. UFO
a. car
b. earphones
c. cup noodle
d. dish washing liquid

5. Blendy Stick
a. manual transmission Blendy (car name)
b. instant coffee in stick form
c. stick cookie
d. condom

6. LEE
a. jeans
b. hair growth shampoo
c. laundry detergent
d. curry

7. Pakyni (don't ask me to pronounce it)
a. curry
b. car
c. stick cookie
d. body soap

8. Pucca
a. wool mittens
b. anti-diarrhea medicine
c. cookies
d. car

9. Cratz
a. cheese crackers
b. car
c. bath soap
d. deodorant

10. O'Zack
a. potato chips
b. dish washing liquid
c. beer
d. minty body lotion

11. Zest
a. car
b. shampoo
c. high vitamin C drink
d. laundry detergent

12. Glamorous Butterfly
a. condom
b. car
c. chocolate candy
d. dish washing liquid

13. Hot Cap
a. canned alcoholic drink
b. pepper sauce
c. condom
d. chemical hand warmer

14. Every
a. chocolate drink
b. car
c. cigarettes
d. men's shampoo

15. Body Shot
a. coffee drink
b. condom
c. body soap
d. hair treatment

16. Crunky Ball Nude
a. condom
b. chocolate ball-type candy
c. dish washing liquid
d. shampoo

17. Silky Black
a. black condom
b. hair-tint rinse (black)
c. dark chocolate
d. black coffee drink

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