Monday, October 1, 2012

The Romney Repression

I am blab... er... blogging about politics today. 
Yeah... yeah, I know. It's not funny, but it's FUN!
You will be delighted to know that both Mitt Romney (now running for President of the United States) and his running mate, Paul Ryan (now running for bucket of warm piss), are in the best of health! Mitt Romney (65) takes a "baby aspirin" everyday and is closely monitored for prostate cancer. Paul Ryan is also in the pink (not TOO red, right?), though his doctors feel that maybe he stretched the truth about his body fat
He said, they said; who you gonna believe, right?
So both of them are healthy specimens physically.
But what about their mental capacity?
What if they were suffering from serious mental illness; how would we know about it? 
The doctors who gave them their physicals didn't ask them questions related to mental health.

Dr.: "So, Mr. Romney... you are running for President. How do you handle all the pressure and so on; are you OK?
Romney: I am fine... I am very fine! Why do you ask such a question? Running for President is challenging. My wife just said so! I mean... if you don't like what I am doing, why don't YOU step up to the plate and do something?!!
Dr: It's not about me... but why don't you talk about that for a while? Tell us about "stepping up to the plate".....
Romney: Yeah! My father told me, "Mitt, never get involved in politics if you have to win an election to pay a mortgage." So, I am in politics because I feel that the right person needs to come forward and step up to the plate, step up to the plate and DO the job that needs to be done! In the country.... and in Washington and around the World. I am that right person.
Dr: "Stepping up to the plate" seems important to you... why don't you tell me about "stepping up to the plate" in detail. What does that mean to you in your life?
Romney: In my life?
Dr: Yes... what does it mean?
Romney: Well... er ... what does one do at the plate exactly? 
Dr: I would like to know how you feel about it. What does "the plate" represent to you in YOUR life?
Romney: OK... I am ready to step up to the plate and eat whatever is on it! Even if it is ethnic or involves small varmints that I shot
When I was a missionary in France someone gave me this plate of ... never mind... Anyway... I will eat anything.
Dr: Small varmints? I see... And you were a missionary in France? Can you talk a little more about that?
Romney: Yes... I ... er... I was working out of a Mormon Church and bicycling around with my helmet and necktie and trying to get people to come to my church?
Dr: I see... and... why were you doing this?
Romeny: Well... it was something we all did... ha ha... like going to dances or ... hanging out together... you know... like norm... er... other people do.... heh heh.
Dr: I see.... and you "stepped up to the plate" in France?
Romney: Oh! Yes.... I ate everything they gave me. I would eat EVERYTHING on the plate and I would not find it offensive even if it were ethnic or French. I mean – after all – my father was raised in Mexico! I am a Latino once removed! You cannot out-ethnic me! Ha Ha!
Dr: I see... So let me prescribe....

So... I know... I know... it's a dirty nasty job, but SOMEbody has to do it, right?
I volunteer to check out their mental health.
WARNING! Pterosaurish is not a mental-health professional.
Notwithstanding... (can you believe that is one word?) let's have a look at their mental health.
First of all, why don't we just eliminate Ryan from this investigation? Since both candidates are in such great health, even IF Romney is elected, he will likely serve out his full term and Ryan will not have to step into his Presidential shoes on account of sudden death.
So back to Mr. Romney.
He made that recently famous statement about the 47% of Americans who "are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them". And shouldn't they quit being whining, moochers on the "job creators", right? 
He is clearly ticked off about people, free-loading off of the rest of us tax-paying citizens. 
Who wouldn't be? 
Unless it was your own parents.
Oops! We have a problem.
1. Mitt Romney hates people mooching off the "job creators" who obviously pay ALL the taxes and even make government possible.
2. His own parents were mooching off the "job creators" who obviously pay ALL the taxes and even make government possible.
This sounds like a psychological issue to me, simple though I may be.
Especially since he was the youngest child in his family. 
Everyone knows the "baby of the family" is coddled relentlessly, so why did he develop these symptoms of hating his parents so much that he would not even allow them to mooch off his largess in the tax scheme of things?
Since I am not a mental health professional, at times like these, I consult the DSM IV (for you laypeople, this is holy scripture for the psychology community).
Apparently, last born children "may be more likely to experience personality problems later in life".
"This is the child who grows up knowing that he has the least amount of power in the whole family.  He sees his older siblings having more freedom and more superiority.  He also gets pampered and protected more than any other child did.  This could leave him with a sense that he cannot take on the world alone and will always be inferior to others."
Clearly Romney has unresolved issues related to his up-bringing that might impact his ability to function as President, and he is acting out his hostility towards his parents by denying them (psychically) their claim to government largess. He even said he would have a "better shot of winning" if his parents were Latino. By being hostile to the "moochers" in our society, he is finally "coming into his own" relative to his siblings, asserting his superiority over the accomplishments of his parents. He is definitely working through these serious mental symptoms, but at what cost? Even his wife is concerned about his "mental well-being" if he becomes President.
What IS it with Republican Presidential nominees these days?
George W. did this too, of course, wanting to outdo his father, even starting an unnecessary war over it (remember that?). Fortunately, Mitt is not in a position to start a war (yet), so what we see are these psychological chickens from his past, coming home to roost on his policies today. Mitt only wants to be elected President – very badly. He will say anything at all and adjust his positions 180° if necessary to get elected (and has), truly the etch-a-sketch man.
Compared to him, President Obama with his single-parent, bi-cultural, multi-ethnic background seems simple! Simple is something I can relate to.

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