In Japan, many Japanese wives refer to their husbands as SODAI GOMI, or large trash items. Also in an earlier post, I commented on all the articles that have been appearing lately about whether men are really needed or not. In in defense of men, I think I wrote a pretty convincing letter to women everywhere, persuading them that not only are men necessary, but that – like cats – we can even be an asset under the proper circumstances!
Since then, however, I have reluctantly arrived at a different conclusion; we may be what women make of us.
There is growing evidence that the female of the species shapes the males around her. Female frogs, for example, seem to regulate the sound and look of the male frogs that chase after them. In a nutshell, the research appears to show that male calls, "made up of a longer 'whine' followed by one or more short 'chucks'", are controlled by the females. How? The females prefer more chucks than whine (where have we heard THAT before?!), and predatory bats also home in on the whiny crowd, so gradually the "more attractive" chucky group prevails. The males provide more chuck and less whine!
Which brings us to the pressing question, "Why do we call men, named Charles, Chuck?"
No. That was not the question.
In fact, it is not time for the question yet. We need more evidence.
So, consider this.
In a study on moose mating behavior in Alaska, researchers found that the females (called "cows") actually encourage males to fight over them. They obviously want only the best males (called "bulls") to "hang out" with, so they keep less capable males away by "moaning".*
The female moose also employs these moans when "approached" by even a strong bull to encourage others to challenge him for "make out" rights!
"You look good to me, hon, but let's see if you can handle just one more fight, OK?"
Males who fail to win a mate early in the competition often die of starvation in the winter, because they have spent the eating season beating up on each other on account of the female moaning.
"Well!" You say, "Frogs and moose! What does that have to do with me and hubby-poo whom I love dearly!
Well, how about this? In many households, women are the predominant cooks. And from time immemorial it has been thought that what they cook can also control their man's behavior. In Cornish tradition, for example, a man who eats roasted owl will be a slave to his wife's every desire.
Man: (looking suspiciously at the roast) Looks good, Dear!! Yum yum! Cornish game hen? (he asks hopefully)
Woman: Yes, Sweetie! Eat it all up!
We males are clearly alert to what females are up to and unquestionably shape our lives around them in many ways. Apparently we can actually even hear their menstrual cycles! So it doesn't come as any surprise then to read that men lose their thinking ability more quickly than women do. Why would they want us thinking too much?
It's all part of a plot! First declare men to be unnecessary. Next, make us lose our thinking ability. And finally let us die off early. All so you women can enjoy your lives without us around to bother you and make demands.
Apparently writing letters is not convincing enough to delay these tactics. Maybe if we learned to chuck more and whine less our situation would improve?
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*In my personal experience, I have heard human females do this too. They rolled their eyes and moaned, "Omg... not HIM again!" It definitely kept me away.
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