Monday, September 6, 2010

Creationist Cretins

I am taking a break from writing humor about Japan to say something about the nuthouse developments in the United States. The religious fervor that is sweeping a certain segment of our nation is starting to get on my nerves. High on the list of irritants are those who believe in Creationism. For those of you who may not yet have heard of this movement, it is a Christian fundamentalist attitude that takes the Bible literally and believes (please, no laughing yet, ok?) that the Earth was created about 5000 years ago and that the process of evolution has not happened.
Key to this "theory" is the adjunct belief that the whole world was inundated in a flood (as said in the Bible) and that all the living things that breathe were saved on Noah's Ark.
According to the Bible, noah's ark was 300 cubits long (450 feet, or 135 meters);
its width was 50 cubits (75 feet, or 22.5 meters), and it had three stories with a height of 30 cubits (45 feet, or 13.5 meters). Noah and his family along with all the animals were on his Ark about 377 days – something more than a year.
Giant Anteaters eat 30,000 termites and ants a day. Noah had to have 2 of them, so 60,000 termites and ants a day needed to be provided. Do the math yourself – 8,527,740,000 termites and ants on a wooden ship to provide food for only two anteaters. Normal ant colonies have around 50,000 ants, a large colony of army ants (which you would not want on a boat) have about 700,000, but do not stay in one place. One of the largest ant colonies ever discovered was found in Japan. It contained only "306 million worker ants and one million queen ants living in 45,000 nests interconnected by underground passages over an area of 2.7 km²". Ants do not live in pairs. Ants do not swim. There are about 10,000 different species of ants. Two of each ant and termite species would also have needed to be protected from the seas and from the anteaters.
How about bats? There are around 5000 different species of bat, many of which eat one third of their body weight every night in insect prey. I am unaware that any bat species is pelagic. The bats need to hunt the insects, most of which would have to be flying around for them to be caught.
There are also about 5000 species of frogs who do not do well on the open seas, especially seas that covered the whole planet, including presumably Mt. Ararat at 5,137 m/16,854 ft. (We will be generous here and suggest that Mt. Everest and other much higher mountains did not exist at the time.)
Literal readers of the Bible claim that "Bible scholars have calculated that approximately 45,000 animals might have fit on the ark". Oh really?
The Oasis of the Seas, a very large cruise ship, has a length of 360 m or 1,181 ft, more than double the length of the Ark. Its beam is 47 m (154 ft), again more than double the Ark's width. It's height is 72 m (236 ft) above the waterline, more than 5 times as high as the Ark. It's capacity for short one- and two-week cruises is around 5,000 passengers and 2,000 crew, or a total of 7,000 people. Granted, people traveling on a cruise require a lot of services and special food, etc. but does it seem likely that a much smaller vessel could support 45,000 animals and their food for over a year? If you believe that, you have a major short circuit in your brain somewhere.
You get the picture here? People who take this beautiful surviving story from our prehistoric days (it's in the Koran too) as gospel truth have taken serious leave of their senses and intellect. This movement is anti-science pure and simple. I thought we got over that 500 years ago.
Apologies for the rant.


  1. My house if full of ants. They have, no doubt, been colonising the walls of this place since it was built in the 1940s since they are in every room in every season. It's annoying. My point, you ask? Not sure, but why would God let those freaking ants on the boat anyway? You are right. The story is falling apart at the seams on many, many levels.

  2. Also... don't forget that many viruses need a host. They all had to be saved too! I don't think mosquitoes are pelagic either. :-)

  3. Wanna take your blood pressure up a notch? Check out the website for the Creation Museum ("prepare to believe"):

    Favortie quote from the site:
    "Biblical history is the key to understanding dinosaurs." Yes, I believe it's Deuteronomy 2:11 where the differences between triceratops and stegosaurus are clearly explained.

    Also, don't miss the "food venues" where you can eat all those animals Noah saved (and just look at the size of the customers in the cafe! No way even ten of them could fit on Noah's Ark!)

  4. Lawdy lawdy.... this might require another rant.
