Monday, November 14, 2011

In God We Trust

It's official. Most of the Republican candidates for the Presidency claim to have been called by God to step up and run for office. Herman Cain is the latest of the group chosen by God to make the chase for the highest office in the land, but Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum (whose name has become part of the urban dictionary) have also heard the call from heaven.
Naturally, I was curious about why God would call so many of them to campaign for office. I needed to find out why, but how?
Obviously prayer, the kind of sustained effort employed by Herman Cain, would be one way to find out what is behind God's apparent shotgun approach to Republican opposition. Unfortunately, however, I have not prayed since I was a very small boy, and even then I was not all that convinced that my requests for a pair of soccer boots were making much headway, so some other way would be required.
The power of deductive reasoning!
Now here is a technique I might be good at. I am well educated and of average intelligence, surely I could apply my God-given brain power to this issue and arrive – like Sherlock Holmes – at an answer. To quote the great detective, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
So, we must first eliminate the impossible.
One cannot doubt the sincerity of the Republican field in their claims of being called by God. They all must have heard "something", and the still, small voices in their hearts were not telling them to "go ahead... eat the fruit of knowledge!" There is no evidence of knowledge-fruit eating among them. No, the voices were telling them to run for office, the highest office in the land.
So in conclusion, they all did receive the call. It must be true.
If there is no question of veracity on the part of the receivers, then, we must consider the sending end of the conversation. Why would God call on four Republicans to run for office? After all, in the Bible, God only called on one Job, one Noah and one Moses to save his chosen people from lack of faith, flood, and the Egyptians. There must be some reason that we can deduce from the evidence at hand.
Would an all-knowing God need to "cover his bases", so to speak, by fielding an array of candidates in case one of them proved unworthy?
Would an omnipotent God call so many so that the best among them would rise to the top?
Never happened before. And what about Romney?
Could a creator God be trying to muddy the Republican field (have you EVER seen so many people "debating" before?) to sow confusion in the opposition ranks?
With the impossible eliminated, the improbable rises like sweet cream to the surface.
God is a Democrat.

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