Monday, April 16, 2012

Tennessee Evolution

I have written here before about the anti-science folks in the US, so (if you have been reading this) you know how I feel about it.
Not positive.
Tennessee has just passed a law encouraging the teaching in science classes of "other ideas". Additional states, such as Texas, have also promoted or enacted similar laws. What the "conservative" lawmakers passing these bills imagine is that a "Christian" creationist view would be presented in science classes, giving pupils "a choice" about whether they want to accept science or not.
What would such a science class be like? Let's take a look.

Scenario 1
Science Teacher: OK, boys and girls, today we are going to study the science of how the world came to be! As you all know, our world is actually about 6000 years old. When God made the world, he created all the creatures and humans "as is". But then, the humans were bad, so he caused a big flood to happen to sweep them all away.... Yes, Suzie?
Suzie: But my mommy says that the world is billions of years old.
Teacher: (chuckling condescendingly) Well, Suzie, I am sure your mommy is a good cook and a nice wife, but she should leave the science to us science teachers.
Suzie: My mommy is a professor of archeology at the university.
Teacher: Ah! That explains it! As you know, most scientists and even university students are liberals. Going to university almost invariably means you lose your faith and become more liberal in your thinking. Higher education just seems to warp people's minds that way.
Suzie: But didn't you go to university?
Teacher: Yes, but I was able to hold onto my faith and not forget the fundamental truths of my religion despite the liberals around me! They were not able to brainwash ME with education!
So anyway, back to our lesson. After the flood... yes, Johnny?
Johnny: I don't get it. If the world is only 6000 years old, does that mean that humans and dinosaurs lived together?
Teacher: Yes, of course! Humans probably kept baby dinosaurs as pets or even rode them like we ride horses today!
Johnny: Wow! I wish I could ride a dinosaur...
Teacher: Oops, our time is up for today, but please read the creation story that I have just passed out to you, and remember that we will be having a test on the material on Friday.
Class dismissed.

This is what the lawmakers imagine the science classes will be like. However, if something other than real science can be taught, who knows what might appear? Let's take a look at the science class next door.

Scenario 2
Science Teacher: OK, boys and girls, today we are going to study the science of how the world came to be! As you all know, Vishnu was sitting in the coils of the giant cobra when a lotus blossom came from his navel... Yes, Sally?
Sally: What is a vishnu?
Teacher: Vishnu is the god of creation, Sally. Surely you know that! Anyway, Vishnu divided the petals into three, one petal became the sea, one petal became the sky, and one petal became the Earth! Isn't that exciting? (impatiently) Yes, Suzie!
Sally: When did all this happen?
Teacher: Oh, it happened millions of years ago and happens even now! You see Vishnu also destroys his creations and rebuilds them in an endless cycle of reincarnation.
Sally: But... how do you know this happened?
Teacher: Sally, the sacred texts tell us it is true! Anyway... boys and girls, that is all we have time for today. Please read the material I have given you about Vishnu and remember that we will have a science test on Friday. Class dismissed.

Human evolution as proven by scientific investigation

Tennessee citizens' evolution after exposure to new science curriculum

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