Monday, November 26, 2012

Hey guys, why not live longer now?!

For the longest time, I thought that the fact that women outlived men was the result of a design flaw (male nipples?¹) or some kind of software bug in men. It seemed unfair that men would flame out early, leaving women to hang out by themselves – beach side with the piña coladas – and enjoy all the great benefits of a long and happy life, such as early onset dementia, or chronic constipation.
Indeed, I have written here before about how men not only live shorter lives, but how we are also walking a tightrope of uselessness; one false step and we could plummet off into total gender oblivion!
People are starting to talk, guys! "They"² are wondering if we are ever going to shape up and make something of ourselves.
Think about it!
List all the dumb comments made – say – about rape during the recent election cycle in the US. One hundred percent of them were made by men! You could hear American women's eyes rolling, way over here in Japan.
I am not joking.
So, being a man myself and not wanting to be swept into the dustbin of history, I have been searching for information that could help us guys lead not only better but longer lives. After all, once we get the "better" part down, then women and society in general ³ will appreciate having us around longer.
If we stay like we are – uneducated louts, controlling the TV remote – women will want to see us drop out of the scene faster and faster, and we will see diminishing life expectancies as is already happening in Russia. You can be sure that Russian women have decided that they can control the remote and probably a lot more as well.
We don't want that! No way.
So we need to define what it is that we want out of life. Do we want to just lie around the house, drinking up all the wine and watching the pathetic Mariners lose on TV?
Let me answer that for you, since I have the feeling that you would say "Yeah? Is there anything else?!"
Put down that beer and pay attention here!
The proper answer for "socially acceptable"⁴ males is "no".
What I am driving at is that we guys would like to hang out with women, but we have been making ourselves less and less attractive to them by our behavior. They are starting to think that maybe they can make do with a cat for comfort and a dild ... well... something else for other things (let's not give them any ideas).
If you are international like *I am, you read news from a wide variety of international sources and then feel really good about yourself for your eclectic orientation. In the Hindustan Times, for example, in their Entertainment section (no less) we can find the answer to our search for gender meaning.
Apparently we guys have a different cocktail of hormones in our systems than the women we are chasing, and THIS is the source of a lot of our problems.
More crime? Blame the hormones.
Lose your job and lie around the house all day, pretending to be a cat? More hormone maladjustments.
All this time, we have been thinking that it was FEMALES who had the hormone issues. How many times have you thought, "Omg... she is talking about that again!" and blamed it on "that time of month" etc? Right.
Well.... apparently it's not them; it's us.
What can we do about this? Well, according to the research, eunuchs lived much longer than the other males around them. Even lavishly fed and well-treated males such as kings and emperors were outlived by the eunuchs who served them.
So! We⁵ can solve the problem of longevity by undergoing a simple operation. In fact, you can do this at home. Boston Corbett (the man who shot John Wilkes Booth) performed this operation on himself with a pair of scissors.
There are of course side-effects such as a lack of libido and a desire to hang out in harems and try on all the women's lingerie. But to catch up with women in our modern society, maybe these small sacrifices are worth it.
Our nation is calling us, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what YOU can do for getting along better with everyone else."
For myself, I am too old to be bothered with this silliness, so I will be letting nature take its own course. For you younger men, however, I strongly advocate this simple procedure that you can do at home. You won't regret it, and the whole world will be better off. What a wonderful thing you can do for the human community.
Afterwards, I would like to support you in your new circumstances, so please send me the telephone numbers or email addresses of all your female friends so that I can help them adjust to your new world too!
Trust me, I will try very hard.

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¹ Intelligent design folks? Hello? Helloooooo?
² "They" pretty much means all the women you know.
³ "society in general refers to women.
⁴"Socially acceptable" equals if you want to actually hang out with women.
⁵ This means you.

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